In Memory of





Condolence From: Jim and Anna Bain
Condolence: Patty, we are so sorry for your loss. My daughter Christi stopped at Lakeview and Kenny told her about Bill.
Sunday August 20, 2017
Condolence From: Betty Sharp&Kathy Hatmaker
Condolence: Pat & Family, Our love and prayers are you. God Bless You.
Wednesday August 31, 2016
Condolence From: Gregory and Jessica Combs
Condolence: So sorry for your loss. I just lost my papaw the other day. So I feel you alls pain and grief. May God be with each of you all during this difficult time and in the days to come. Bill was a great man. He always loved me. And I always loved him. He will be missed so much. Rest in peace, Bill. Fly high, buddy!
Monday August 29, 2016
Condolence From: Mary Ellison
Condolence: We are so sorry for your loss.May God bless you today and in days to come.You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Monday August 29, 2016